As the Vape Industry is attacked with threats of bans, Vape shop owners are turning to Hemp & CBD to Diversify.
As the Vape Industry is attacked with threats of bans, Vape shop owners are turning to Hemp & CBD to Diversify

Misguided legislation on vape products is pushing the boom for CBD & Hemp!
Liam Burns
CEO of |
Throughout the USA bans and bills are being drafted and forced through, some by executive-order, criminalizing the use of flavored vape and other related products. “They are designed to get our children addicted” they say, completely disregarding the millions of adult users who use flavored vape products on a daily basis. While these bans ultimately are wrongfully targeted as they were the result of a wave of lung-injuries caused specifically from the black-market and unregulated sale of prohibited THC vape cartridges - which these bans would have no affect on whatsoever. In fact these bans would actually amplify the issue by pushing the current legal and regulated vape industry into the hands of the black-market goons responsible for the THC fiasco.

As the legislation and fight continues on the main victim here is the small business vape manufacturers and vape shop owners that will be dealt the death blow upon the passing of these bills. Flavored vape products and e-liquid typically take up about 90% of a vape shop revenue and without these products available for sale - most would be forced to close.
Now comes the pivot. Entrepreneurs like Liam Burns, CEO of has seen this wave of legislation coming and as many say “all problems are opportunities in disguise”, has leveraged this flavor ban legislation to introduce these vape-shops with a whole new range of legal CBD & Hemp products to supplement the missed revenue from the displaced flavors. Many vape shop owners are actually beginning to see their numbers grow, said Burns…. Which is a great thing for small business. In August 2019 Burns launched the new wholesale CBD distribution platform - HempWholesaler - to get these amazing new CBD products into the hands of vape shop owners and the sentiment is the same - Hemp & CBD is the future!
HempWholesaler is now recognized as one of the largest CBD & Hemp wholesale distributors in the market. They operate across the USA with base operations out of a large 50k sq/ft distribution facility in Upstate NY. Burns said his team has plans to acquire a new larger, supplemental facility within the next 3 months - and expansion into the midwest and west coast to ensure speedy delivery times. The team here is laying our focus on ensuring a top-notch customer experience by selling the absolute best CBD products - not just our own brands - but the widest selection anywhere. We also are working to ensure ongoing conformity to legislation and regulation - and to keep our small business vape-shop owners, in business.

On the retail side, Burns has launched his own chain of CBD & Hemp based stores and online presence under the name Hemp Geek. “Hemp & CBD have very interesting properties in the way they react with the human body… your body actually contains an entire endocannabinoid system in which these substances influence directly, thus having immense potential functions from pain-relief, anti-inflammation, memory, appetite, sleep regulation, stress, emotional & anxiety issues…” Explaining this to a new customer isn’t an easy task and neither is having a sales team that understands this all - this is where the Hemp Geek names come from. Burns says they focus on educating and training their staff with science backed knowledge and not just quick sales tactics - hence the name “Hemp Geek”.
Hemp Geek only carries the cream of the crop or a more fitting term “the cola of the hemp plant” per’ se - says burns. The new online platform allows people to buy cbd products from all major brands in a variety of forms including oils, edibles, vapes, flower and more. They have achieved top ranking on the world’s most renowned platforms such as Forbes, The New York Times, NBC, HuffPost and BuzzFeed.
They can help you find the best solutions for all your hemp & CBD needs and the collections are available at the guaranteed lowest retail prices.