Looper Lifted Series Disposables - 3g - Forbidden Fruit (11Hydroxy/THCh/THCp)
Strain Type: Indica Dominant Terpenes: Grapefruit, Tropical, Mango Parent Strains: Cherry Pie hybrid and Tangje Sativa Forbidden Fruit is the tantalizing result of crossing Tangie and Cherry Pie. This is definitely a night time strain for its hard hitting high that comes on...
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Looper Lifted Series Disposables - 3g - Cereal Milk (D8/THCp/HHCp)
Strain Type: Indica Dominant Terpenes:  Vanilla, Butter, Sweet Parent Strains: Y Life and Snowman If the idea of smoking something called Cereal Milk isn’t appealing to you, let us urge you to reconsider. The flavor is creamy and fruity like a favorite...
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Looper Melted Series Disposables - 3g - Rainbowz (HHC/THC-P)
Strain: Rainbowz – HybridTaste: Fruity, Exotic, SourEffects: Energized, Relaxing, HungryStrength: 3G Rainbowz is the blend of three cannabinoids: HHC, HHC-O, and THC-P. 💨 3G • 3000mg HHC + THC-P🧪 3rd party lab-tested for quality and potency🔌 Rechargeable📜 100% legal containing...
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